Guide: Choosing a Main

Last updated: December 23, 2024


Since the beginning of time, one of the most commonly asked questions in MapleStory has been which class to hyper burn or which to choose as a main character for progression. For some, the opportunity to decide only comes once or twice every 6 months, during hyper burn events.

This worry isn't completely irrational:

  • Not all classes in MapleStory are frequently maintained and given an equal amount of care. Some classes have had issues comboing their skills for months or years. There has even been an instance of a class being removed from the game (Jett). 🪦
  • The developers of MapleStory are based in Korea and thus primarily balance classes around its Interactive/regular servers in Korea, not Heroic servers in Global MapleStory (GMS). GMS has its own advantages (and disadvantages) that Korean servers do not have, resulting in up to 10-20% differences in strength between what the developers intended and what they actually are in GMS.
    • +2 attack speed
    • boss damage familiars
    • -7 second cooldown hats are unattainable in Heroic servers
    • more variable server latency (affects classes which have server-sided skills more)
    • level 3 link skills

[note] However, this is all subject to change moving forwards as the developers' vision for GMS continues to evolve. 🙏

Every choice has myriad benefits and drawbacks, pros and cons. The most you can do is to be somewhat informed of the tradeoffs.

If you're looking for some initial inspiration, take a look at our tier lists.

The criteria we use to rate each class include:

  • how much of an advantage it has in GMS
  • how modern its aesthetics are
  • how much fun it is to play with friends

No tier list or set of ratings can be perfect or fit your exact needs. Some of the things we often DON'T (or can't) take into account are:

  • learning curve and/or skill ceiling
  • sound effects, voice acting
  • how satisfying the class feels when unleashing burst vs. off-burst
  • how good the class will be 2+ years from now
  • how well it pairs with a specific class your friend is playing
  • extra costs for class-specific gear/items (on Heroic servers)

Because there are too many variables to consider, accept that you WILL most likely not find the best main character for your needs on your first, second, or even third try. So pick the first thing that resonates with you even slightly, meet new friends, and observe how much they enjoy playing their mains. As you progress, you'll learn about the game's systems which will help you speed through early phases the next time you choose a new main character -- and there is a LOT to learn about MapleStory as it is a 20-year-old franchise. If you stop having fun, stop playing altogether and come back when the game offers something that excites you again.